Animal Diagnostic & Wellness Center
11816 North 56th StreetTemple Terrace, FL 33617(813)985-2889
Saying Goodbye
Understanding the Personal Response to Grief
In the course of our lifetime, we develop relationships with others which take on special meanings. Family, friends, teachers, and pets nurture and challenge us to become who we are. Over time, each of us also experiences the death of someone we love. Whether this loss occurs as a result of illness, accident, or other trauma, we are left with a mixture of thoughts and feelings. We deeply sense their absence. The following suggestions are offered to assist us in understanding the constructive process of grief and the importance of remembering our loved one.
Living With Loss
Florida Pet Grief Support Hotline
What is euthanasia?
Euthanasia is the humane ending of life. It is not painful to the pet and the pet has no knowledge it is going to happen. Pets pick up on our moods so sometimes anxiety can occur, especially when everyone is crying. Once the decision is reached, other decisions need to be made.
- Should children be present? Only you can decide if your children are mature enough to understand the process.
- If you have other pets, do you want them to be able to sniff the body afterward?
- Some housemates are very close and sniffing the body may help give them closure.
- How would you prefer your pet's body be cared for? Is home burial possible, or would cremation be preferred? If cremation is chosen, do you want the ashes returned?
What Determines a Good Quality of Life for My Pet?
- Does your pet seem irritable, restless or confused?
- Has he lost his appetite or does he drink water excessively?
- Does he avoid his favorite activities? Is your pet picked on by other animals in the home? This can happen when a sick or elderly dog becomes the weakest member of the “pack.”
- Does he seek out unusual places to sleep or hide?
- Does your pet express joy and interest?
Hard Decisions
Making the decision to euthanize a pet is often harder than dealing with the loss itself.
Many people say they can accept the death and the accompanying sadness, but have great difficulty with knowing "when it's time".
You are not alone in this decision. We are here to help you answer these questions, and decide.
- Is there a reasonable chance for a cure? for comfort?
- How much additional time might treatment give?
- What will the quality of that time be?
- Do I have the financial and emotional resources to handle long-term medical care if it is required?
- Will I have the necessary physical and emotional stamina to attend to my pet's need? (Getting up at night. Preparing special foods. Giving shots.)
- Is our relationship changing or decreasing in quality as I anticipate this loss?
- How many of my pet's usual activities are still possible?
- Is my pet suffering, even though physical pain is not evident?